Like in any highly populated country, traffic is extreme in India. You may find all types of 2, 3 , 4 wheelers, 4 legs, basically every thing is on the roads. Nobody follows the rules which is the main reason for the traffic chaos.
Since there are no load limits and rules to follow, you can easily witness 4, 5, 6 people on the same bike.
Each transportation method is an amazing experience, especially Rickshaws; if you are suffering from any stone in urinary system or kidneys, here is the solution. After a ride in city, you will never face these problems again.
Rickshaws are the common transportation vehicle in India, which is like a taxi. Cheap, fast, Uncomfortable, and fun to ride. There are meters available both mechanic and digital telling you how much to pay. Make sure they charge as per meter, when you take the ride.
Most of the time, all drivers speaks English, or at least they pretend to. When you tell them your destination they wouldn't say no to you, but in the middle of the journey, you might hear a questions asking WHERE WE GO ? This is a dangerous moment, where you need to control your temper and start advising again all over from the beginning. After 2 or 3 similar attempt, you may reach your destination.
Animal ride is a common touristic activity, which I don't feel comfortable seeing all these animals, some of them in real bad condition, but as I said it is optional.
They are part of the traffic in populated cities for touristic activity, but in rural areas, elephants are used for any heavy lifting, transportation etc; organic tractors.
Above 4 wheels, is an amazing group in India, most of the trucks are sold without cabin, and people get it finished in carpenter. If you see any driver sitting on the chasis with a chair don't be surprised.
Among all these variety of vehicles, no body follows signals, lane discipline
, traffic rules which creates an amazing harmony.
Every body goes in every direction at the same time..